Translational NeuroElectronics Lab
Designing and developing electronics to better understand the brain
Devices that make better contact with neurons (NeuroElectronics)
The broad field of neuroelectronics involves the coupling of electronics with neural tissue, from individual neurons to large neural networks. This field is inherently multidisciplinary, as it requires integration of materials science, electronics engineering, neuroscience, and medicine. We aim to use unique properties of the materials for the purpose of designing and developing novel electronic devices that allow efficient interaction with neural networks and the brain. This process involves design, characterization, and fabrication of high-performance biocompatible electronics to acquire and analyze the neural data that is hard or not possible to obtain with current methods.
NeuroGrid conforms to the surface of
an orchid petal
Large-scale systems neuroscience
Understanding how memories are formed and stored in the brain is of critical importance, with implications both for improving our ability to perform the numerous routine activities that require memory, and for enhancing diagnosis and therapeutics for neuropsychiatric diseases that involve memory deficits. We are specifically interested in exploring the role of hippocampus-neocortical connections in memory formation, consolidation, and retrieval.
Functional mapping of primary & association cortices
Clinical translation of novel devices
A major goal of neural interface development is to establish safety and efficacy in animal models before transitioning toward use in humans. We aim to perform translational studies of such devices, employing close collaboration between engineering and medicine to ultimately improve diagnosis and therapy for neuropsychiatric disease.